The Powers of the CDS (Chief of Defence Staff)

The Chief of Defence Staff of the Indian Forces is the military head and chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee of the Indian Armed Forces. 

The position was first officially suggested in 1999 following the Kargil War through the recommendations of the Kargil Review Committee.

The Chief of Defence Staff is the senior-most and highest-ranking uniformed officer on active duty in the Indian military, and is the principal staff officer and chief military adviser to the Minister of Defence. The Chief also heads the Department of Military Affairs under Ministry of Defense .

Functions of CDS

¤ Apart from being the military advisor for the government, the CDS also heads the Department of Military Affairs.

¤ Function as the Military Advisor to the Nuclear Command Authority.

¤ CDS will be a member of Defence Acquisition Council and Defence Planning Committee.

¤ Authority to create theatre commands.

¤ Implementing weapons procurement procedures.

¤ Bring about jointness and ensure optimal utilisation of infrastructure in the three Services.

¤ Integrating operations of the Army, Air Force and Navy.

¤ Command tri-service agencies, organisations, and commands including those related to cyber and space. 

¤ Bring about reforms in the functioning of three services aimed at augmenting combat capabilities of the Armed Forces by reducing wasteful expenditure.

¤ Assign inter-services prioritisation to capital acquisition proposals.

Appointment procedure : 

There are no written rules for the selection of the CDS, with only the retirement age set at 65 years. This means that the CDS appointment will be a selection made by the government, and there is no precedent to be followed. 

Note :

* The CDS will come under the Right to Information Act. 
* The Salary and perquisites of CDS will be same as the service Chiefs. 
* The CDS is a four star officer selected from among the serving officers of the Indian Armed Forces. 
* The CDS is "first among equals" among the service Chiefs, and is a single point military advisor to the defence minister. 

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